Right of reply
Guerrilla Communists will publish any response from the CPI.
We tried very hard to keep the issues within the Party. However, the Party decided to not entertain any such debates, instead opting to block any possibilities for resolution within the Party. In addition, the leadership displayed its utter lack of political skills in managing debate or conflict.
As a consequence, the Party has lost all control over the methods that will be used to continue the struggle.
The other issue to be acknowledged is the utter ruthlessness and carelessness of the Party leadership in handling these issues. The leadership was prepared to destroy the reputations, characters and motives of its own members to prevent any input they did not approve of.

Even worse than that, they were prepared – and finally did – open the Party to ridicule and embarrassment.
To compound that destructive course, they used the crudest methods of obstruction and intimidation to crush any dissent.
Nevertheless, the CPI can be assured of the right to clarify its position on any questions or any assertions raised by Guerrilla Communists – shooting of messengers excepted.