Hammer and Sickle.png

Guerrilla Communists

A proposal on examining ways to approach the mainstream media was submitted to the AGM of the Dublin Branch in 2020. It did not make it on to the agenda.​​

It did get on to the agenda of a subsequent Branch meeting where it was presented out of context. However, the substance of the proposal was that a sub-group of interested members would be established to look at all aspects of how to respond to the challenges presented by the overwhelming influence of mainstream media.​

The proposition was circulated to members of the Dublin branch but there was only one response.

The issue of mainstream media was not approached with any urgency. There were members of both the National Executive Committee and of the Southern Area Committee at that meeting but no attempt was made to support the proposal in any way. Naturally, without any support from any level of leadership the matter died its inevitable death.​

Apart from the power of the state and its military and police forces, it is difficult to imagine a more formidable enemy of socialism or any rational or progressive ideas than the mainstream media.​

The latest manifestation of its overwhelming power and influence can be witnessed in the coverage of the war in Ukraine. Indeed, pick any subject or issue, and you will understand its power and destructive force.​​

However, all this was, and continues to be, lost on the Communist Party of Ireland. It could not even muster a handful of members to look at the subject despite the proposer having some experience in the area and being willing to participate.​​

Worse than that, it was later pointed out to the proposer that the proposal did “not gain any traction” in a tone that was intended to reflect on the proposal and the proposor rather than on the outcome.​​

Meanwhile, the inexperienced officers in the Dublin Branch leadership set up a group to deal with so-called social media and excluded mainstream media from its remit. 

However, the experienced politicians in the main political parties and media managers did not neglect the mainstream media.

Not only did they manage it, they were allowed a free pass, completely unhindered by any organised restraints. They recognise the overwhelming power they have and use that power expertly. They know who they were targeting: the overwhelming majority of Irish people who watch our television stations, listen to our radio stations and read the main daily printed and online press.

The same people who may be actively involved in political and social organisations, who are likely to vote, who will talk to Joe Duffy and be heard by 350,000 thousand other people – every day. Add another hundred thousand listeners and you have Morning Ireland.​

Add all the other mainstream outlets and that’s a lot of ‘information’. One-sided ‘information’. Un-contested ‘information’. You get the picture? And, the CPI response to such overwhelming fire-power?​ So be it.