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Guerrilla Communists

Readers of our site often comment on the content and on our style of approach. One comment we received from a person we believe to be a member of the CPI complained that our claims against the CPI or Socialist Voice are not specific enough and that they are more subjective than objective. While we do not agree, we start our response with a quite specific piece that, hopefully, will be specific enough to elicit a response from the CPI itself

In Part 2 we take a look at the fallout from the breaches of the Constitution

In Part 3 we argue that the current state of affairs in the CPI is not just the result of negligence or inexperience, but of deliberate and callous actions designed to satisfy the fearful minds of the leadership – over generations. Fearful minds who saw ‘threats’ in every word and action of members who did not show sufficient deference to their betters

In this concluding part we look at some of the issues that have hamstrung the CPI and we propose some measures for the Party to escape its self-imposed shackles