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The Communist Party of Ireland (CPI) issued a perfectly measured response to the re-election of Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela HERE which is both welcome and revealing.

The election has caused quite a stir inside and outside Venezuela with a confusing mix of reactions from parties and governments on the left or describing themselves as communist.

Internally, there has been a very serious ongoing dispute between the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) and the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) which we will not try to deal with here. Some communist parties have expressed solidarity with the Venezuelan government while other have posted messages of solidarity with the PCV.  For instance, the CPI and the Workers’ Party HERE have expressed diametrical positions.

The PCV itself appears to have been pushed to the edge of political insanity in the statement it issued following the declaration of the result of the election HERE.

“Venezuela’s revolutionary forces must not allow imperialism to divide them, and differences between the revolutionary forces must be resolved by open political dialogue and not by judicial means nor by siding with the forces of reaction internally or externally.”

CPI’s diplomatic message to all progressive actors in Venezuela

The CPI response is quite a contrast to a previous published position HERE. If anything, the position of the PCV appears to have gotten worse but the CPI has barely acknowledged this likelihood. However, it does show that the CPI, when it chooses to, can correct or alter its position in line with its existing environment. Its existing environment is that it is now more and more in line with the positions of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and we believe this is the reason for the change of position. Nonetheless, it is still a welcome and pragmatic change.

It should be noted that the CPI’s previous declared loyalty to the PCV has clearly been sacrificed in favour of loyalty to the CPC and this change has occurred without explanation, context, or historical background – just like the CPI’s unannounced pivot towards the Communist Party of China.

Still, we look forward to the CPI bringing about some necessary changes inside the Party in response to its existing environment at home. Pragmatism has its place.