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Guerrilla Communists

Julie Currie –  Facebook Left Bloc

The points made here can be applied to any number of scenarios now. The dominance of the middle class is stifling legitimate political debate, and material outside of their pre-determined play list is shut down. They claim to represent the poor working class, but are nowhere to be found in the poor working class communities, speaking a language the poor working class don’t understand, unlike the far right who are thriving there.

They continuously exclude the voice of the poor working class. They refuse to confront the far-right head on and present an effective challenge, instead it’s protest after protest after protest. Anyone that challenges them they are ‘offended’ and the voice is silenced because the challenged now needs a safe place to go cry victim.

The same people who hijack public meetings with their self-indulgent back and forths debating the finer points of Marxist theory, refuse to accept democratic votes when it doesn’t work out the way they wanted, chucking their toys out of the pram.

In their incessant need to come up with labels, the Liberal Left have put a wedge straight through the middle of the Feminist Movement and the LGBTQ Movement, resulting in more than a few Womens Rights groups excluding everyone else, groups that include those who call themselves Socialist. A division seperates two groups of natural allies, because nobody, certainly not a white, middle class man, knows what reproductive and sexual oppression feels like except women and the LGBTQ community we have lived with it since the dawn of ‘civilisation’, nobody but women and the LGBTQ community can understand the fear and discrimination we live with on a daily basis, or the struggle to access appropriate health care and legal status.

The far right have taken that division and utilised it to their advantage and now women are among the most extreme anti-everything except the evangelical, white Christian/fascist vision for the future. The Liberal Left, dominated by the middle class is making the bullets for the far-right to fire, dividing the working class it claims to represent.

Since the hierarchy are so intent on monitoring every word that is uttered and closing down debates maybe it is time they issued a guide book on what labels we are allowed to assign to people and groups, what questions we are allowed to ask, what material we are allowed to read and what topics we are allowed to debate? A guide that will be subject to daily revision, because the Liberal Left are the most easily offended people on the planet.

As far as I am concerned the middle class elite ‘socialists’ are the best recruiters the far right have. They are getting on my last nerve, I am hoping a group will emerge that is actually representative of the poor working class, and I know I am not the only one.