Hammer and Sickle.png

Guerrilla Communists

Indeed, what is to be done?

The first step has to be to accept that the methods used and the style of leadership heretofore in the Party have not worked. That assessment can be taken either as a criticism or as an objective analysis. If taken as an objective analysis then the only sensible thing to do is to take a fresh look at every aspect of the Party.

​If that approach is adopted, then there is absolutely no need for recrimination or criticism or any other form of pointless debates with the leadership either trying to justify its record or other members shouting condemnations. Have the old ways worked or not? If not, then ditch them and replace them with something that might work. It really is as simple as that.

​If the proposition that the old methods have not worked is accepted then the only criticism that should be levelled at the leadership is if they continue on the old road. To continue using the old methods and the imposition of the old strictures would be utterly unacceptable and would necessarily call into question the motives of those engaging in such a counter-productive way.

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”   Stephen Hawkins

​The point is that a completely incompetent leadership is hell bent on maintaining its position and it will sacrifice anything and everything to maintain their positions and their ‘power’. They are on the verge of sacrificing the Communist Party of Ireland itself.

​Eventually, like in all wars, there will be a ceasefire. Can that ceasefire come about before the Party is destroyed? That is entirely up to the leadership. Could ways be found to reconcile the various factions and interests? Of course, at the least, ways could be explored. The real question is: is there the will?  Is there the will to even explore possibilities for such a development?

​The fact is that the Party could so easily be transformed into a vibrant political force. Within the Party – and outside the Party – there are communists who, in an environment of comradely appreciation and cooperation could turn the Party round in a week. 

​There is simply no acceptable excuse for the state of the Party today.

​There is no reason for the Party to remain stagnant and ineffective.

​The way forward needs to be worked on by all Party members in a safe and free and democratic environment.

​The unpalatable truth is that all of us have to realise that we have, collectively, ended up in a mess. Whatever approaches has been tried by the different factions and interests have not led to the betterment of the Party. That is a fact. The leadership has to take its justified share of the blame for this mess. It will also have to take its justified share of the blame if it does not facilitate finding a way out of this mess.

​If that way forward requires the assistance of an independent external mediator, then engage such a service. Is it better that the Party consumes itself out of existence than to possibly find ways for it to reorganise and find its appetite fighting the forces of capitalism, the media, militarism etc?  Such an engagement would quickly flush out those who really are obstructionist and anti-communist.

​Just as it is not acceptable to continue on the same road that has led us to where we are now, it is not good enough to dismiss this proposal of engaging an independent mediator without replacing that proposal with a realistic and workable alternative.

​If you think the Party is doing just fine then do nothing. Just don’t stand in the way of those who want to improve various aspects of the Party.

​If you think the party can do better, then start to pave the way to make it better.

​If you are fearful about what reaction you might face from the leadership then you really need to look at your commitment to communism and to the development of the Party.

If you are in the leadership, then then take a long, hard and critical look at where you have led the Party to. Then realise that to be ‘in control’ of a toothless, timid, ineffective political non-entity really is not much to crow about. Then, realise that times have changed and consider if you have the courage to change with them. Then, examine what individual role you played in forcing these issues outside the Party. Then, examine what you might do to correct the errors in leadership that have led us to where wea re today. Then, answer any or all of the points raised in this series of critical documents.

​Above all, resist the temptation to shoot the messengers in relation to these challenges. Either the challenges are worthy of consideration or they are not. Either you accept your personal and collective responsibility for where you led us to, or you don’t.

​Even consider how history will judge you: do you want to be on the same page as Mikhail Gorbachev? Achieving nothing but the destruction of – in this case – the Communist Party of Ireland?

​Any objective assessment of the condition of the Party would clearly show that its prospects, in the wider political front, for making any progress are no better now than they were last year, five years ago, ten years ago or thirty years ago. With more or less the same leadership in place now as during any of those time spans, the prospect for any development using the same methods with the same attitudes are doomed to continuing failure.

Nothing to lose.jfif

If the development of the Party continues to be restricted by the leadership, then the only way forward is for the members to unite, take your responsibilities as communists seriously and realise that, in fact, you have nothing to lose but your chains.